The Brilliant Tribe is a non-denominational, non-profit Christian organization that exists to encourage the body of Christ to live out Matthew 5:16 and intentionally reflect the brilliance of heaven here on earth. We can only be brilliant if we are connected to our Heavenly Father, the source of all light. With this in mind, we will encourage believers to be brilliant by:

  1. Providing content and resources that encourage them to cultivate an intimate relationship with Jesus by creating a regular rhythm of spending time in God’s presence and in prayer. (spiritual formation)
  1. Providing content and resources that encourage believers to become students of the Word of God. Having a deeper understanding of God’s Word helps us to best reflect His light accurately to the world. We also encourage our community to use the knowledge they glean from the Word of God as the framework through which we live our lives. (Christian education)

What We Provide

The Brilliant Tribe produces bible studies, devotionals, videos, and a podcast for our community. In addition to providing Christian content and resources, we host virtual and in-person events both nationally and locally.

The Brilliant Tribe Music

Popular music is getting increasingly dark and promotes messages and themes that are antithetical to Scripture. The Brilliant Tribe wants to counteract that by producing music that encourages the hearers to be more like Jesus.